But of course he does. Now that they’ve jerked him back in line, now that his momentary massage distraction in Toronto last year while shooting Hairspray is well behind him, John Travolta wants to put a final sealing stamp on his closet by announcing to the world that he intends to make a third baby, and soon, going so far as to confirm that he and his wife Kelly would be givin’er after shooting wraps on their latest movie co-starring their daughter Ella Bleu:

"I was told by Kelly that at the end of the summer we"re going to try. We"ll try after we finish the movie we"re doing together, Old Dogs, with Robin Williams and our daughter Ella. So after that!"

Too much information? Or were some of you really curious about how and when the Travoltas make babies?

As for his film choices, first Wild Hogs and now Old Dogs, clearly someone needs to pay his Scientology bills. After all, how else do you think they straightened him out?
