That’s what my friend Lorella calls that sh-t that’s happening on John Travolta’s head right now. Those loops that go off to each side, like a Hair Fountain, see?
Travolta showed up at the Breitling flagship store opening in New York last night. It’s been a good week for him. His baby covers People Magazine, a miracle after tragedy, and now he’s all smiles. Where’s the spa?
I’m telling you, if there’s one thing you can be sure about, even if you’re never sure about gossip, the why of John Travolta at the spa is a hard lock. And if theirs is a commitment based on companionship and trust, the best of friends who are raising a family… so be it. I support that, sure. Selling it as something else, though, in order to secure sponsorships, like for watches, and other major paycheques, is where the sh-t gets messy. Especially when you take it to the Mighty Opes and ask her to do the pitching for you.
As for the hair issue…
Sometimes I see Dracula, sometimes I see Brendan Fraser.
And just six months ago, it was short. Check out these photos from June 2010 of Travolta, also at a Breitling event, with a closer cropped haircut that may have been spraypainted. At least that’s what I saw. It was 3 years ago at the Super Bowl. Interviewed him at the tailgait party. When he bent his down to hear my question, Michelle, who was producing, kicked me mid-sentence because she could see the top of his head where they had aerosol’d a black patch around the crown to make it appear thicker. It made us really happy.
Photos from