Johnny Depp was in Berlin this weekend for Mortdecai. So far there hasn’t been a carpet in North America. But Johnny’s like Tom Cruise now. Audiences are much more supportive of him overseas. So far there haven’t been any reviews. Mortdecai opens on Friday. The movie is a January release and no critic comments posted yet? Not usually a good sign.
As I’ve mentioned several times already, you know what else comes out on Friday?
JLO’s The Boy Next Door.
To me, you don’t expect a Jennifer Lopez movie to be good. In fact, it’s better when it’s bad. But what’s Johnny Depp’s excuse? Wait. I know. Marlon Brando made bad movies for the money too.
TMZ posted a photo last night of Johnny hanging out with George Jung, the guy who he played in Blow. Click here to see Amber Heard’s expression. Does it remind you of Katie Holmes?
Also attached - new photos of Johnny and Amber at the London premiere of Mortdecai today.