When was the last time I said that Johnny Depp looks good? Sh-t. I’m taking a closer look at these shots, especially the ones where he’s seated and I can’t see his dumb pants, and he looks REALLY good. I like the wave in his hair. His skin isn’t scaring me. I can almost – almost – forget that he’s kind of become a cheeseball.

Then he stands up and his 90s-let-me-hang-on-hang-on-hang-on pants punch you in the face.

Let’s focus on the positive then.

He’s being sweet with the fans in Beijing to promote Transcendence. I’m not being reminded that he’s engaged to a wannabe Angelina Jolie in her 20s. Feathers and scarves aren’t erupting all over his neck. It’s like a f-cking mirage. Now if only we could freeze him in this moment. Sitting down, rubbing his hands through his hair, smiling, pants obscured,