Is there a Hunger Games club you all belong to that I don't know of? Because I've received a lot of email in the last day or so with the same video link and even the same wording, from different senders (I think), about how a recent interview appearance in Australia has now convinced them that Josh Hutcherson will be a great Peeta, although one person did stress that he's sitting down. And, well, you know.

So here he is with Vanessa Hudgens promoting their new movie and there's an awkward moment with the anchor and his reaction is indeed rather charming. I particularly enjoy that he confirmed that he and Hudgens were in fact dating last year, albeit briefly. Don't think she liked that part too much. Even better.

Does that mean he's totally Peeta for me now? Maybe a little? In that way that I once called Peeta a Pity F-ck, remember? In that way he charms the viewers through the TV, I suppose we're a baby step ahead, sure. But is it enough? I don't know if it's enough. I do however love being surprised. I want to go in there and come out a believer.  
Watch this now and tell me if you think Hutcherson can make you a believer.

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