Don’t you just love the tufts popping up to say a manly-man Hello Ladies! Check out Jude on promo for Breaking & Entering, looking rather tired of late – lingering after effects from his wild week in Louisiana last month?

So do you remember when Chris Rock hosted the Oscars and he was like – who the f&ck is Jude Law and why the f%ck is he everywhere in everything? Looks like it’s going to be another one of those years.

Jude has 3 projects on the go this Fall: All the King’s Men, Breaking & Entering, and that Holiday movie with Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz, to say nothing of any boyfriend fulfillments he might be required for during Sienna Miller’s Oscar run – reportedly priority #1 for Harvey Weinstein these days. Still, in spite of the heavy sched, Jude’s gorgessity continues to shine through. He is indeed a beautiful man, even when tired. As I mentioned during TIFF, he’s just as beautiful in person, beautiful but strangely still were my loins. There is more than a little Hoff in Jude – that kind of cheese puts a damper on quiveration, don’t you think?