Divorce has apparently robbed Jude Law of the highbrow, high-end lifestyle so terribly that he has to suffer the indignity of renting and scraping away for a home of his own, having ceded his 4 million pound Primrose Hill residence to Sadie and the children, along with 15 thousand pounds a month in alimony. According to UK tabloids, when “asked if he fancied taking a break from acting to spend more time with his children, Rafferty, Iris, and Rudy, he replied: “No. I can’t afford it. I got divorced last year and I haven’t got any money. I’m currently renting [my current house]. I’m trying to save so I can buy it.” Poor Jude. Literally…poor Jude. But you know what I always say in times of need: What Would Gwyneth Do? Well…she already did, didn’t she? A Perfect Murder, co-starring Michael Douglas and Viggo M - a role MUCH less artistically challenging than it was financially rewarding (killer costumes too) that allowed her to buy a home in NYC…she’s admitted as much and Jude has done so as well, conceding that selling out will likely be the quickest way to solve his money woes, by celebrity standards of course. Oh the tragedy. To sacrifice integrity for a really nice house. Poor Jude indeed. Here he is with Sienna last night at the Chain of Hope Ball getting into a chauffeured vehicle. Because poor people shouldn’t drive, should they? Source and Source