He’s here for 2 projects: All the King’s Men and Breaking & Entering. And as we reported on eTalk, Sienna has joined him, after kicking up a huge fuss on the set of her latest movie. My sources reported exclusively that she wanted desperately to be released from duty for a few short days so that she could be with Jude in Toronto but that film executives would not agree to it knowing the kind of drama that usually ensues when the two get together. Rumour has it, she sulked and moped her way to what she wanted, apparently because she simply wasn’t giving her best until she could get her fix. So here they are the other night, all smiles for a change leaving dinner at Bistro 990, although Goddess only knows how long that lasted. As for Jude, he was doing interviews in my hotel all day, I saw him in the lobby late afternoon, wearing super super tight jeans and a white button-down shirt, undeniably goodlooking, not my type, too dandy, too polka dots and metro manicured, but a pretty, pretty man, the kind of man who knows he’s a pretty pretty man, has a certain strut about him, I hear his pants are so snug, when he sits down the package in front is like PaPOW, something he’s not exactly afraid to hide. But you know what the best thing about Jude Law is? It’s his assistant. He has a male assistant who waits for him outside the junket room and he’s frickin’ hard to miss. At least 6 ft 2, slim, not too slim, a face made for tender kisses, the sweetest smile that can turn naughty in an instant…and quite likely as tinkerbell as Travolta. But damn is he lurvely to look at…