Jude Law at the London premiere of Sleuth. On the plus side – he’s not fighting his bald. On the down side… Alfie is clearly gone forever. Jude’s pretty peaked early. Jude is not George Clooney. Jude’s pretty is clearly on the wane. And curiously enough, Jude’s pretty started receding, along with this hairline, after leaving Sienna forever. Funny how that happens, non?
But maybe it’s a good thing. Maybe Jude’s polka dot dandy days are behind him. And from the looks of it the other night, maybe he’s trying to man-up with his tight pants? Jude’s pant wear has always been on the snug side but I feel like he’s kickin’ it up, you know?
What do we think of Man Denim Leggings? Especially when paired with a shiny black blazer?
photos from Splash
photos from WENN