Jude Law was walking around in a hat for a while and said something offhand somewhere about a bad haircut and there arose some speculation that he’d had the plug. Or work. Whatever it is that can be done. As you can see in these recent shots, nothing has changed. Jude isn’t growing anything that wasn’t already growing.
He was in Paris yesterday with Guy Ritchie promoting Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows which is on par to match the gross box office of its predecessor at half a billion dollars. So... another sequel then?
But he has the loveliest blue/grey eyes, doesn’t he?
In other Jude news, he’s now US$200,000 richer having just received a pay-out in damages from that News Of The World phone hacking scandal, the most of out of the recent list of recipients. 2012 is looking strong for Jude Law. He’s to begin work with Steven Soderbergh on his next project (with Blake Lively) and we should be seeing him on the festival circuit with Anna Karenina if not in Cannes then definitely in Venice and Toronto for a possible award season run.
Anna Karenina, Les Miserables, The Great Gatsby...
Will it be a literary competition at the Oscars next year?