He really, really is.
This is Jude Law at the Laurence Olivier Awards last night in London looking SO beautiful in his tuxedo. And very, very young. Younger and fresher than he has in years. Dude, Sienna Miller is toxic for everyone else. But when it comes to Jude Law, she’s some kind of elixir. It’s magic what they do for each other. MAGIC.
Perhaps she’ll help soothe the disappointment from Repo Men. Not that it had high expectations – not at all – but still. Jude’s latest opened in 4th this weekend with a piss poor $6 million box office. Fortunately, his 2009 ended on such a strong high, with Hamlet and Holmes, that Repo Men’s performance shouldn’t diminish his buzz. Jude will soon start shooting Contagion with Steven Soderbergh, Kate Winslet, Marion Cotillard, and Matt Damon. Also, the Sherlock Holmes sequel is apparently being fast-tracked and that’s quick easy money for Jude who, as you know, will need it to pay for all his children.
But let’s not fuss about his irresponsible f-cking for now. Especially not when he’s just so pretty.
Photos from Wenn.com