Julia Roberts isn’t papped very often anymore. But yesterday, on the day her good friend Javier Bardem received an Oscar nomination for his work in Biutiful, Julia was photographed at the Sunset Tower. And she waved. Smugly. More so than usual. Because, as noted, Julia campaigned hard for Javier. And when Julia campaigns, she doesn’t usually lose. She did it for Denzel Washington, she did it for Natalie Portman; now, successfully, she’s done it again. And she will lord it all over us whenever she can.

That’s what makes Julia Julia. Julia knows better than you, Julia can do it better than you, Julia is louder than everyone, and Julia, as I saw firsthand at Sundance, has trained a family successor worthy of her Bitch. When Julia won her Oscar, she spent the night with Emma Roberts, and there was a story she told about cuddling up in bed or something with her niece.

Now imagine almost 20 years of that. Sleepovers with Aunt Julia.


Emma Roberts will be good for gossip. Quite possibly great.

Photos from London Entertainment/Splashnewsonline.com