Have just heard that Julia Roberts arrived at Big Island on Friday, staying at the Four Seasons. All three children are with her plus nanny and a small female entourage and no bodyguards. Word is she’s super low key, doesn’t walk around totally coiffed or made up, does not run from the public, aging gracefully, not fighting her 40s, and not a total stick insect 5 minutes after birthing her third.

Also shocking – she isn’t pulling major attitude. No fingers snaps, no crazy ass demands. So I guess it’s true: the superbitch has mellowed out. And yes, you read right. Julia Roberts, once upon a time, despite the protests of the MiniVan Majority, was a legendary cow. Threw a major strop for no reason backstage at the Oscars one year… it’s definitely no secret. And of course she homewrecked with a t-shirt, remember that?

But then Julia wanted babies. She complained about the press and instead of promptly buying a beachfront home in Malibu and walking her dogs everyday on the beach, she actually MOVED AWAY. Imagine that? Moving away from the epicentre of smut? And far too. Far away to New Mexico where the paps can’t be bothered to travel, where she had her children and read a lot of books and tried to hide from karma and atone for the cheat.

But Danny Moder was nowhere to be found this weekend. Was the cameraman simply busy at work… or is your smutty sense tingling? Mine is.

Here’s Julia in a new production still from the upcoming Charlie Wilson’s War. Due out in December, directed by Mike Nichols and co-starring Tom Hanks, CWW is a prestige release for award season and is also expected to contend for Oscar.

Thanks Catherine!