You know what I mean? I know it’s lame to even talk about photocopies now, but I’m not up on my 3D printing jargon. But she has often worn jewel columns, and strapless dresses, and bodices with a bit of a stiff raised front that come slightly away from her chest. This all just seemed like a remix of Margulies from various times that seemed to end up a little bit askew.
Right? Like the dress was offbeat, and I know there were a few tea length dresses tonight, but none of them really landed. And there are increasingly loud rumours about Margulies wearing a wig on The Good Wife and thus you’d think her own hair would be more prepared for an event like this…
Maybe I’m just clouded because even though she and Cheadle were talking about how much Clooney loves them, it pales in comparison to what we saw. You know.