TMZ posted a story late last night about how Justin Bieber’s been changing his ways. He’s polite to people now. A couple of times this week in LA, he was out for dinner and paid for other people’s meals because they gave him a seat. Something like that. And supposedly in the last four months he’s changed a lot and is ready to put the last 18 months behind him by getting publicly disrespected. At that roast.
So about that roast. I’m not sure if there’s value in a roast these days because of the internet. Back in the Dean Martin days, sure. But we’ve already snarked and memed the sh-t out of JB. So I understand why people were excited yesterday – the idea of watching Justin Bieber get humiliated is certainly appealing – but will it actually be the event you had in mind?
Bieber reportedly is the one who asked for this as a 21st birthday present. Basically he’s getting what he wants for his birthday: the spotlight, the “street cred” of having all these famous comedians line up, one after the other, with fresh material, JUST FOR HIM.
Does that hurt the ego or add to it?
I think it adds to it.
What would really be funny is if they plan this roast and everybody turns it down. If they’re all too busy cleaning their kitchens to come to Justin Bieber’s party. Now THAT would be truly embarrassing.
But they’ll be there. And you know they’ll be there. Because they’re all famewhores. And what famewhore could resist being a part of a spectacle?
Here he is doing an impromptu John Mayer last night at a bar.
And with Hailey Baldwin yesterday. The narrative here is that she’s been a calming influence, as opposed to Selena Gomez who brought everything down. I told you they were like Whitney and Bobby!