Arguments for:

  • Pippy is trying to be a man. His team would most definitely push for the title. And hard. They’d probably even “exchange” several “exclusives” as part of the deal. People Magazine would definitely consider the arrangement
  • Wooing a new readerbase. It’s no accident that Us Weekly has a twat from The Hills on its cover every other week. Like it or not, The Hills and everything pop culture that comes with it sells sells sells. Naming Pip the SMA could build them a future subscribership that will take them into the next 20 years, a strategy that could pay off large. And people who watch Oprah enjoy singing along to his songs
  • He is undeniably talented, and even in a year when he had no record of his own to promote, he was on the scene constantly
  • His expansion outside music has been extremely successful. The Pipper is a bonafide entrepreneur
  • Currently nailing an ass that is allegedly considered attractive

Arguments against:

  • He’s trying to be a man. But his nickname is the Pipsqueak. The balls may have dropped half way but there’s still half to go. Not sure if People’s entire public is ready to accept him as a grownup, a fact that probably eats him alive
  • People still boasts the strongest subscribership among its competitors. Why fix a formula that’s worked for years? Do they really need to court the MTV crowd?
  • The timing makes more sense when he does have a new hit album on the charts, probably next year
  • Likewise, his tv endeavours have yet to launch. Looks like Pip is still peaking.
  • She’s a herm

ODDS: 15 to 1