Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel showed up at a rally the other day in support of Barack Obama and to promote the youth vote. It’s a good thing, right?


But here’s the question:

For a couple so hellbent on “privacy”, a couple that “claims” not to put their relationship on a platter for public consumption, can they pick and choose when we get to see their love and when we get to f&ck right off?

Note how they acted with each other that day – on stage, with his “fans” screaming and excited, with the media parked front and centre watching their every move, note how suddenly privacy wasn’t an issue:

Pipsqueak: "I'm not here as some dude who writes goofy songs. Me and Jess, we're here as Americans. We're here as humans because this is something we had to do. We've never publicly endorsed before. But we've never been so inspired by one person."

Shelf Ass: "Nobody should be able to say what you can do with your body."

Pip: "I give Jess the right to choose where we go to eat all the time. The funny thing is, what the woman chooses is usually right."

Shelfy: “Brownie points for you.”

Pipple: "I know where my bread is buttered.”

And I know when your ass is full of sh-t.

With these f&ckers it’s all about control: Be interested in us when WE decide you should be interested in us.

And I’m supposed to obey?

Pippy…sit your Shelf Ass DOWN.

Photos from Wenn.com