Justin Timberlake is booking job after job. Acting job. He’s currently working on Friends With Benefits (seen here on set today in New York), he recently wrapped Bad Teacher, The Social Network opens in the Fall, and now he’s reportedly been offered the lead in I’m.mortal about the ability to stop aging at 25 but only if you have enough money. Amanda Seyfried is already attached to project which must bite Jessica Biel in the ass that her boyfriend keeps acting opposite some of the most promising actresses in the business who keep beating HER out of parts.

And he keeps beating the actor boys for their parts.

Can you imagine the size of Pipsqueak’s ego? It must be monolithic by now.

Which is why he thinks he’s got this. This movie thing. This entire artform, he’s got it. After all, he’s worked with David Fincher, and this has to mean, since he’s JT and can do anything, that he can direct. And well.


See below, an ad for his 901 Tequila, directed by none other than the Pippy. He imbued it with his own, um, acting technique. And that accounts for this woman’s delivery – it’s actually worse than his girlfriend, to say nothing of the Try. Because of course it wouldn’t be sexy without the suggestion of some oral. Pip is a true original.

Photos from Wenn.com