Scarlett Johansson’s nude photos were released courtesy of the Hollywood Hacker. Though he denies it and says that’s not his cock in the shot, Justin Timberlake is supposedly also a victim via Mila Kunis’s iPhone. Maybe Scarjo can tell us for sure.

They partied together last week in New York. Now US Weekly reports that not only were they hanging out at the club with friends, they also went for pizza, alone, at 5:30am, before he showed up at her apartment, identifying himself to the doorman as “Justin”.
Reps for both insist the late night to early morning hook-up never happened. But it wouldn’t be the first time. Or the second. Or even the third.

It wasn’t just the music video, it was also her, leaving his place, and there were pap photos, early one morning juuust before Jessica Biel became his official girlfriend. Jessica Biel, by the way, used to deal with Ryan Reynolds. Back in Vancouver when they were making those Wesley Snipes movies and right now I can’t remember the name and, really, why do I need to? The point is, Scarjo seemed to lose interest in Pip when Ryan was around, and that freed him up for Biel, but now all that sh-t’s come around again and what’s it going to take for Jessica Biel to figure out that this guy will not make her happy?

They broke up in the Spring, he begged his way back mid-summer, apparently she’s determined to believe him...even though, well, I don’t see how you can call this trustworthy. But we believe what we want to believe. And she clearly wants to believe he’s true. How many times have you seen this happen before, celebrity or not? I feel sad for her, actually. I feel sad that she can’t seem to walk.

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