Pippy and Shelf Ass are apparently on their periods this week, or maybe they just miss each other because after giving up some ooey gooey photos to the paps in LA last week they have since separated as JT kicks off the Australian leg of his world tour, leaving behind his despondent girlfriend lashed out at photographers last week with her umbrella.

Pip’s mood wasn’t much better Down Under. On a lunch outing the other day, Pip promised fans he’d sign autographs on his way out. Unfortunately for those who waited patiently, when it was time to leave, JT blew them off and offered these kind words to a local pap:

"I can"t believe they let you reproduce children."

Ungrateful little bitch, isn’t he?

No doubt, Justin Timberlake is talented. But again, is talent enough? Or is he who he is because of the swoon? Because of the boy pop pippy factor? Those cheeseballs who watch Oprah (seriously, who are these people?), the cheeseballs who were sitting in the audience when JT visited the Mighty Opes, the same cheeseballs – adult women! – who were MOUTHING THE WORDS to his songs and ACTING OUT THE LYRICS … do they really care about the music? Or do they care more about the cute?

They care about the cute. Trust.

And the paps help perpetuate Pip’s cute. Without the paps, Pip would be nowhere near what he is now. Further, without the paps, Jessica Biel would be NOTHING. Jessica Biel would be Jennifer Love Hewitt. A TV girl forever.

And yet the audacity of the Little Pip, to spit on the very industry that has created his star – when will this punk figure out that humility always trumps hypocrisy?

Check out Pipsqueak trying to prove his balls have dropped on stage at the weekend. Clearly they haven’t.
