Like the opposite of Hollywood Ebola’s sh*t by association – I mean, if you’re good enough for Madonna…

And obviously Pippy is good enough for Madonna. After all, only Madonna could pull out those balls and demand the man within.

As such, there was a little something something about Justin last night. In the way he’s biting his lip, in the way he wears his pants, in the way he confidently presented her: with irreverence and a cheeky nod to an ex...

"(Madonna) has still found time to kiss someone I may or may not have publicly kissed myself while I was in the audience. Of course you know I was talking about Sean Penn."

And again…

"The world has always been full of Madonna wannabes and I might have even dated a couple."

Some are saying it was a direct stab at Britney. But was it?

Fact: Justin kissed Britney

Fact: Madonna kissed Britney

Fact: Madonna kissed Britney while Justin was watching

What’s the problem?

Fact: Britney is/was a Madonna wannabe.

Fact: Who isn’t???

What’s the problem?

There was nothing insulting about Justin’s comments. What IS insulting is that he’s still dating that clinging Shelf Ass Herm. Boy could do so much better.

And when his ego is in check, when he’s not bitching and moaning about how good his sh*t stinks and how everyone wants a piece of it, when he doesn’t tuck his balls away and run from a Superbowl controversy, Justin Timberlake is absolutely the quiver. When when when.

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