Sweet Xenu… is there no such thing as an audition anymore???

That Justin Timberlake is an accomplished and talented musician is undisputed. Because although Pipsqueak’s balls may not have dropped, he can certainly sing. And dance. And write. And produce. All at the same time.

But an actor he is not. And only the uber-rabid Pipettes would argue he’s a legitimate thespian.

Still, like Madonna before him, Pippy keeps trying. And people keep hiring.

Turns out Justin has been confirmed to star in a drama opposite Jeff Bridges called The Open Road playing a boy en route to becoming a man while mending his broken relationship with his estranged father, and coming to terms with the pending passing of his dying mother.

Needless to say, it’s a role that requires some serious emoting. Not exactly Pip’s strong suit. Case in point, if you can keep from laughing your ass off, check out this still from one of his previous movies…

This image kinda makes my life.

Seriously, will this boy ever be able to pull off the “Mad Face” without looking like he wants to start stomping his feet? Has Shelf Ass Biel’s Overreaching Disease infected him too???
