Justin Timberlake is currently in New York working on a movie with Mila Kunis called Friends with Benefits, or something, which is like the thing that Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher wrapped on a couple of months ago. Pip is spending his off time staying in shape, seen running the other day, riding his bike today. Triathlon training?
A new trailer for The Social Network was just recently released, another step in what’s been a very clever campaign so far, building to its October premiere. A LOT of industry buzz about this – written by Aaron Sorkin, directed by David Fincher, they’re saying already it’s GOOD. Really really GOOD. Maybe even good enough to make a run especially since award material has been so slim so far this year.
As for Justin’s role, well, you can hear his voice. It’s his OWN voice. He can be adequate when he’s not stretched. Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield, the new Spiderman, however are said to be outstanding. Maybe it’s because I don’t use Facebook. No, definitely because I don’t use Facebook, my attitude is meh. A great movie is a great movie though. And if it lives up the hype, we may actually have a contender.
Photos from Bauergriffinonline.com and PPNY/GSNY/The Shaltzes/Splashnewsonline.com