Britney & KFed go out
For a night on the town. Together. Pics via JJB. She tried to look nice and failed miserably. Now I don"t want to comment on the dress. I don"t want to comment on the hair. I don"t want to comment on the fact that she is smoking again. I don"t want to comment on how awful she looks. I don"t want to comment about him on Access tonight pimping his laughable career and album and every other scam he"s running off of her cash. Why? Because I am weary, gossips. I am weary and sick and exhausted and horrified by her bottomless descent into Hollywood Hades from which a return is highly unlikely. Highly unlikely…but perhaps not impossible. After all, I am an eternal optimist. And eventually, don"t we all recover from our black book horror stories? I know I did...