Oh I remember this. If you’re old in your 30s like me, you remember too. And if you’re in your 20s now, you know … it’s just what girls do.
Lindsay Lohan’s new preoccupation – his name is AJ Lamas, son of Lorenzo Lamas. So no wonder why I called him cheese yesterday. As you can see, at one point he has his hand on her back, totally into each other but not wanting to appear too totally into each other and because it would be too simply sensible to say to each other straight up – you rock, let’s bone – the dance continues, with both eventually feigning disinterest and Lilo resorting to flirting with some other random to make AJ jealous…going so far as to straddle the dude under the approving watch of her wise mother Dina.
All this unfolding at a party last night in Malibu – presumably NOT a “dry” party given the size of the crowd. Shall we assume however that Dina Lohan, being the upstanding parent that she is, would refrain from subjecting one daughter fresh out of rehab and another only 13 years old to too many destructive temptations?
But of course.
PS. Beware the "KFed" potential of young AJ. He was once Mr Golden Globe (you know that cheesy thing they do with celebrity offspring?) and is a failed soap actor now clearly looking to land more gigs. Everyone"s a user, you know?