Kanye’s Twitter is, as he would say, totally my sh-t right now. Love it so much.
At first I thought it would get contrived and soon. I mean, how long can you sustain 140 characters of brilliance without overthinking it. But he doesn’t. In between gold moments, he does offer the rote tweet, a pedestrian “I’m excited about this” or an unremarkable “check out my video” comment to break up the continual flow of the amazingness...so that when the amazingness happens, it feels like a new flavour burst of awesome:
Tell everyone at the label only use Gothic or Helvetic fonts for email blast unless I otherwise approve
It’s the best, non?
Or this:
Is it wrong to wear a CHANEL dinner jacket with a T shirt to the airport if it's still breakfast time out here in Singapore uugh TOO LATE!
Like, I want to be inside his head. I want to know how that works. Because while he may be insufferable for some of you at times, to me, at times, he can also be really, really adorable:
Thank you MTV for letting for putting POWER right after your #1 show. IFEELTHELOVE!... and thanks for the 2nd I mean 3rd ok 4th chance!!!
See? It’s funny and self deprecating and his new video for Power will drop on MTV on Thursday in advance of the new album expected to be released in September. Originally titled “Good Ass Job”, Kanye has confirmed that he’s changing the name. What? I like the name. Good Ass Job is a great name.
Here’s Kanye performing in Singapore yesterday in neon pink.
Photos from Red Wasp/Blue Wasp/Splashnewsonline.com