She was here for a day, flew in for wardrobe and screen testing, and left back for Los Angeles late afternoon Wednesday. Underworld 4 begins shooting soon.
While in town, Kate was spotted at dinner at Joe Fortes. Am told Timothy Busfield and Jorge Garcia, aka Hurley, were there too that night. Random. Apparently Kate ate healthy so… like steamed fish and vegetables? Well, look at her ass in those black pants. It’s just that discipline is so hard.
Before we left Sundance yesterday, Dylan and I made a new bet. We bet on every trip. I just lost $100 to him because he was able to not drink for 3 out of the 7 nights we were there. Believe me, most people who know Dylan would have a hard time believing this. Anyway, he says he can lose ten pounds and get rid of some of the fluff on his face by the time we go to LA at the end of February. Another hundred on the line. Well, maybe if he had Kate’s discipline. There is no way Kate goes to bed after a beer. And she won’t be going near beer at all through the duration of this production. Underworld 4 will be in 3D. In other words, that sh-t will be as tight and as lean as you’ve ever seen it…which is something Garrett Hedlund should have thought about for TRON.
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