Kate Hudson has been on press tour since the year started. First for Kung Fu Panda 3 and now for her book, Pretty Happy. Click here for my previous post about that. This week Kate’s in New York, making the talk show rounds. On Tuesday on CBS This Morning, Gayle King and Charlie Rose asked her about Nick Jonas.
It’s Charlie Rose. It’s Gayle King, Oprah’s best friend. So they probably have a much more generous ask-pass than anyone else. Very few people can tell Charlie Rose what he can and can’t ask. But still, Kate didn’t mind the question.
I wouldn’t mind the question, would you? She’s telling the world about her “beautiful connection” with a younger dude. Come ON. Kate isn’t hiding the smug. She’s not even trying to. She is, however, wearing a great suit at her book signing. And it’s so good to see her in something other than a bra top and booty shorts pretending to be a dress. This hair though. This hair length is not working.