Can you judge a movie by its poster? I guess it’s not always fair. And I guess it depends on what movie. Or on whose movie.

What about a Kate Hudson movie?

This is the poster for her upcoming A Little Bit of Heaven. In other words, you’ve seen it before. You’ve seen it too many times. You’ve seen it over and over again because she keeps making the same sh-t.


A Little Bit of Heaven isn’t Fool’s Bride Wars Gold Lose a Guy?


The script is supposed to be better?


This poster doesn’t seem to believe it’s better.

This poster seems to believe it’s the same.

And it sucks. Like...what is Gael Garcia Bernal DOING??? What is happening with her Taylor Swift hair? Why was it important to remind me of her breast enhancement to sell this movie???

In happier Manslinger news, she and Matt Bellamy were sighted together in Santa Monica yesterday at a studio.

Photos from and Fame