Although there’s only one direction after Johnny Depp, non? And I suppose, at the very least, it looks like Kate Moss isn’t back together with Pete Doherty in spite of UK tabloids reporting of a five day secret shack-up at Claridges last week.

They are however quickly jumping on a new lead – something about Kate spending an inordinate amount of time with this fellow, a musician called Jamie Hince…they were supposedly inseparable during an all night bender. And while Jamie, being that he has no visible open sores nor scabs, is a significant aesthetic improvement on Pete, suffice to say he’s not exactly middle ground on the looks spectrum either. Then again, silly Kate is all about the rocker “artist”, at heart a wannabe just like your average garden variety groupie.

Still…there is some good news. She does look better and she is focused on work – launching a new fragrance and also continuing the solid relationship she’s developed with Topshop. Apparently her meeting with the company went very well yesterday. As you can see, she’s actually smiling.

But remember…Crack Love is Forever.

Kate and Pete, only a matter of time.
