My clever friend Duana coined that phrase.

Five minutes ago she was still pining over Crack Love Forever. Then she threw Pete out of her house. Turn around and she was supposedly engaging in secret trysts with him at Claridges. Now Kate Moss is engaged to another musician after a 12 hour sex session during which she proposed?

I love the British tabloids…they really do know everything.

And they apparently know everything Kate is telling her friends – word is she emerged after the aforesaid love making marathon declaring she and new boyfriend Jamie Hince were to be married. Supposedly this is her way of telling others she is serious about someone. Because simply saying you’re serious about someone counts for nothing these days. Because if you’re really serious about someone, the first thing to do is to shake off that hangover and publicly announce you’ve become a fiancée. Again.

Engaged is the new Dating, see?
