Oh but she’s good. Very, very, very good. So good we almost didn’t notice. Maybe even better than Biel. Turns out Katherine Heigl is mayjah player on the publicity front. The new Aniston indeed.
So here she is, just one day after winning the Emmy, conveniently at The Ivy, where no one goes without a purpose, for lunch when stopped by the paps – of course – and a gaggle of fans screaming for her autograph. She obliges – both the paps and the fans – and even poses for a pic with a photographer. How very Paris Hilton. You take away the 30 second patented Izzie soliloquies on Grey’s Anatomy and at the heart of it there is always a famewhore.
Making movies, of course. More movies, less tv - another tv girl who wants to jump on over, another tv girl who understands the importance of the tabloids in making that happen. Which means more photos more often: images of Katie Heigl grocery shopping, hanging out with her girls, pushing her food around a plate, walking her dog if she has one, buying a dog if she doesn’t, and working out between ciggies OUTSIDE the gym.
Between her and Jessica Biel and Sarah Michelle Gellar and Jessica Alba, the competition is getting fierce. Is there enough room?
My money"s on Katie Heigl. This girl has game. Trust.