And isn’t this why it’s so sad? To be captured by Tom Cruise, to be robbed of such beauty? When such beauty could have been paired with Leo? Or someone less…Scientologised? 

Katie inside and on the upcoming cover of Harpers Bazaar. Only screen caps – better quality to come later but still…even with a low resolution shot, Katie is breathtaking. Seriously, she looks f&cking amazing. Amazing when she smiles, amazing when she’s fierce, amazing skin, amazing all around. So what if there’s some retouching. As far as I can see, it’s probably a lot less than others – have you seen Pam Anderson’s new cover??? And the clothes…the clothes are divine. Wonder if she’s been training with the Posh? Bet your boob job Mrs Beckham’s a little jealous. No. Bet HER boob job she’s more than a little jealous. My favourite is the one in the suit and tie. Something about the way she can still be so sexy even in the most androgynous ensemble – it’s a testament to how gorgeous she really is. Sigh. Sadness. Source via Source