Check out Katie Holmes with her hair up in this purple dress for C Magazine. First of all, that’s an updo from 2002. But also...

Total Joey Potter styles, right?

Is that what Holmes & Yang, her clothing line, is for? Joey Potter?

The C Magazine shoot happened a week before Katie blindsided Tom Cruise with her divorce filing. And the interview went down just 24 hours in advance. Says the magazine’s senior editor:

“Going back over the tapes, there were signs: Holmes was certainly very aware of herself, laying a couple cards on the table but never showing her whole hand. Most noticeably, the one name decisively absent from her lexicon: Tom Cruise. She never actually refers to him by name over pages and pages of transcription.” When McKinnon asked if having Suri brought the couple closer together, Holmes added, “I don’t know. I mean…I don’t know. People have been having babies a long time.”

All this time we thought she was brain-dead and it turns out she was more cunning than even a level 467 Sea Org Xenu with the ability to levitate. (This is what I find hilarious about Scientology even though it’s obviously scary as sh-t: the entire operation sounds like a game you would have invented in your parents’ basement playing with friends back in grade school where the object - to get to Level Supremeness of The Power Destiny - was to hop up the stairs on one foot, blindfolded, with one hand doing the Spock sign and the other holding an egg, while reciting Twas The Night Before Christmas because Miss Green made us memorise it for the holiday revue.)

Anyway, Katie and Suri were photographed yesterday at LaGuardia airport, remarkable because it’s the first time they’ve flown commercial... in a long time, if not ever. Those pictures are exclusive and you’ll see them as soon as websites finish high roller bidding on them. But the point is that after 7 years of private jet travel, Single Fearless Cosmopolitan Katie (!) wants you to know that she’s rejoining the masses! She’s just like you!

As I’ve said already, several times, what an extraordinary accomplishment: Katie Holmes gutted the dilapidated crumbling house that was once her public image and remodelled it into a beautiful Greenwich Village brownstone with the kind of aplomb and calculation unseen since Angelina Jolie became the celebrity Mother Theresa.

But I wondered last week if we might be seeing a backlash soon. Vulture published a dishy piece a couple of days ago about the whole Tom and Katie situation with a couple of interesting details:

-Katie never takes the underground or the side exits when leaving her new home, even though paps are stationed outside her building around the clock.

-Katie was, at one time, allegedly, “enraged” by the rise of Michelle Williams

-Katie has been called one of the most “fame-hungry” celebrities on the market today

But you knew all this already, right? This is why I keep calling her a baller.

Click here to read the Vulture piece.
