For why Katie Holmes stepped out like this in New York last night. The only.

After all, she has said before that Suri picks out her clothes. God I hope so. Because if a grown woman had put all this together, and one who calls herself a “designer” at that, well f-ck me it’s worse than we all thought.

The thing is, taken individually, these pieces, they could be great. Maybe not the skirt, but I’m just not a fan of that length. The problem, obviously, is that Katie is wearing everything at once. It’s so shockingly bad that at first I wondered whether it was actually a cry for help. Like a sartorial Panic Button. We’re supposed to see it and conclude – let’s move in for a rescue?

No rescue.

That woman with her looks like the same chaperone-friend who’s always around. You know, the only one she’s allowed to hang out with. Remember? Click here for a refresher. She looks like Tom Cruise, non? I’m told it’s actually his sister.

And those were chills, chills, chills that just ran down your back.

Photos from and JosiahW/