For some reason, several of my friends saw Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise together in Vancouver last weekend. All of them remarked that she looked wan and withdrawn, is quite thin, and seems miserable. There were no cameras around.
Katie flew out of Vancouver yesterday though and last night was spotted out for dinner with some “friends” in Beverly Hills. That’s what the photo agency is claiming. I suspect her definition of “friend” is probably not ours, unless of course “friend” for you is also a euphemism for “minder”, in which case, by all means, carry on, praise Xenu.
But she did at least crack a smile. And it’s good timing too because Katie is heading to Sundance soon and yesterday Main Street was all abuzz that her movie sucks sh-t. Supposedly at the press screening for The Son of No One, journalists walked out early and people groaned when Katie came onscreen.
Sales agents for the film however dispute this account of the screening, insisting there was simply a technical error before the film concluded and that there was no mass exodus as a result of critical disgust. As I have always said, Gossip is a Buffet. You Choose. And the trailer is below. Might help with your decision. To me, at least from the clip, we’re not breaking a lot of new ground here.
Oh and Katie was asked by the paps last night about Victoria Beckham’s pregnancy. She said she was “so happy” for her, happy being one of the only three adjectives she’s allowed to use, along with “amazing” and “beautiful”. Once in a while she should try to shake it up, throw “delighted” in there for a change. We could all use a little excitement.
Photos from