Will she grow a tail one day and swim away? To the find the freedom her mother lost? 

Katie Holmes took Little Sci to see the Little Mermaid last night. LS seemed to be bothered by the noise – as you can see, mom tried to be cheerful and soothe her baby. Not sure where daddy is. Highly unusual for Tom to leave his wife and child alone for so long. Then again, he has her surrounded by her minders. Where can she go? 

Once upon a time, Katie lived in New York. Just after calling off the engagement to Chris Klein she was actually enjoying the city – a young woman beginning to bloom and to find her own voice…with a little Josh Hartnett tossed in for fun.

Next thing you know she disappeared for 2 weeks and suddenly turned up in Rome attached to Tom Cruise’s face. 

Weird, right? 

Anyway, for those of you who’ve emailed about Little Sci and her bottle – I’m not a mom, nor do I ever intend to be. So I’ll take your word for it about her being much too old to still be using it. Go ahead and judge her. Do it for a judgy bitch like me. 

Photos from Flynetonline.com and Wenn.com