Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom were most recently in Hawaii. Last night she performed at a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton. Question: does Katy Perry ever not “theme” dress?

After the show, Orlando was seen leaving the venue. So they’re kind of inseparable right now. As I mentioned yesterday, it’s early, and when it’s early the horny dominates everything. According to E! however, this is serious, not just f-cking. And she’s calling him her “boyfriend”. Which is basically his biggest career accomplishment in years. That explains the self-satisfied look on his face, I guess?

For her though, after almost 3 years with John Mayer, maybe it’s a relief. Maybe it’s a relief not having to defer to someone who thinks he’s smarter and more talented. Not that Orly doesn’t come with his own, um, issues. He’s been on a professional bender for a while, hasn’t he?