Keith Urban has a new album out called Ripcord. And one of the songs on it is a duet with Carrie Underwood called The Fighter. To promote the song and the album, here’s what he posted on YouTube:
Clever use of social media?
I think so. I mean, they know their relationship is the intrigue. And that we’re closely examining every second of their interaction. But it’s all grounded in the song. So any questions about that can be redirected back to the music.
So what are we seeing here? We’re seeing goofy Nicole Kidman – poised and statuesque on a red carpet, but in private, with her husband, she’s the kind of girl who acts out the lyrics to songs. This has always made me uncomfortable, seeing people act out the lyrics to songs. Years ago, Justin Timberlake was on Oprah and performed What Goes Around. I remember being totally fontrummed by some lady in the audience singing along and acting out the lyrics to the song. Click here to see – start at 1:35 and wait for the word “cry”. Right? On Nicole it isn’t quite so mortifying but we can’t all be Nicole Kidman, so if we ever meet or find ourselves in a car together, please don’t do this. It’s a weird personal tick of mine and I accept that you will judge me for it.
What else? Nicole crushes hard on Keith. I can’t be mad at it either. In fact, it’s actually pretty cute.
We interviewed Keith on The Social a few weeks ago.
He smells really good. He calls everyone “baby”. And what I like most about him? He walked backstage and knew our names already, off by heart. “Hi Cynthia, nice to meet you baby”. “Hi Lainey, thanks for having me, baby.” “Melissa, pleasure to be here, baby.” Had our names memorised. And at the end, made sure to tell us to say hi to Traci who wasn’t there that day. Keith Urban was prepared. He did his homework. That’s on him and it’s on his team. I appreciate that.
Also this was an excuse to post pictures of them from the MET Gala because we never got to them that day. I thought it was one of the best dresses she’s worn in a long time. She was styled perfectly that night.