B’s father manages Destiny’s Child and his daughter’s solo career and that of Kelly Rowland. Wonder if poor Kelly is getting the shaft.
Or perhaps it’s a case of Lindsay Lohan disease?
Kelly was performing at the ThisDay Music Festival Sunday in Nigeria and collapsed on stage and was taken to hospital. “Official” reason: dehydration.
Blame it on Lilo, blame it on the Slut Brigade, blame it on the useless orange twats running around Hollywood and their biweekly hospitalisation, but anyone who suffers from dehydration and exhaustion and even asthma immediately falls under suspicion for drug use. And fair enough. It’s hard to believe a music festival that would have attracted the likes of Shakira and Rihanna would have had a short supply of water, non?
Having said that, Kelly doesn’t exactly belong in the Useless Twat Category and so perhaps there is another explanation. Can you imagine Beyonce overheating? Or can you imagine Beyonce being treated to an ice water Evian bath with 10 “personal fanners” flanking her every move?
Is Matthew Knowles looking out for Kelly Rowland?
Just asking…