Do you remember Oliver Hudson from the final season of Dawson"s Creek? He played Eddie, Joey"s talented but troubled last boyfriend before the five year gap, whose storyline was never wrapped up in a way that satisfied my needs, but I digress. Like most of Joey"s non-series-regular boyfriends, (hello Chad Michael Murray) Oliver Hudson was not much of an actor. He was however absolutely gorgeous, which is why he was my favourite. Anyway, Oliver"s a little older, maybe a little fuller, but still a fine looking man and he got married recently in Mexico and the entire Hawn/Russell family showed up and if you haven"t looked at these portraits, you really should because WOW - did Goldie produce an attractive looking family or what? Kate we all know. Oliver we now know. But look at Wyatt!!! Tall, blonde, buff, confident - Wyatt is a reality tv show waiting to happen. And Wyatt is also officially legal which means I"m officially allowed to say my loins quivered just a little. I"m guessing Lindsay Lohan hasn"t had the pleasure yet. But it"s only a matter of time, gossips. Wyatt Russell WILL inspire a dance off some day. I promise.