It’s one thing when your costume designer puts you in one for a movie, it’s another to voluntarily walk around New York not on the job proudly showing your Maple Leaf steeze. Total pimp. And a crazy motherf-cker.

Also attaching more pictures of Kiefer Sutherland at lunch with a glass of wine. Not that it’s illegal to have a glass of wine at lunch, and it happens all the time, obviously. Just... sometimes bad things happen when Kiefer drinks too much. It’s not like this is a secret. Also, he’s not going to be in Dallas.

Imagine if he had married Julia Roberts?

Sometimes I wish we could play Gossip Sliding Doors.

Julia marries Kiefer

Johnny Depp marries Winona Ryder

Jennifer Aniston has Brad’s babies and they don’t divorce

My list is long. I won’t waste your time.

Photos from PPNY/GSNY/