As mentioned earlier, after Lady Gaga closed the MMVAs with her second performance of the night she came back to the etalk lounge for an interview with Ben Mulroney before stopping at the press conference and other press obligations. She was gracious and humble throughout. Seemed just as pleased to have received an MMVA as she was a Grammy. I believed this. Gaga does have a lot of love for Canada though. Canadian popularity came early in her career.

She is thoughtful in discussion and tries to give you something new every time. She also, obviously, doesn’t take it all too seriously. What I mean by that is that while she understands what it is she also isn’t so far up her own ass that she doesn’t have a good time throughout or isn’t concerned about everyone else having a good time too. Ben interviewed her a couple months ago and Dylan shot the interview. And, as I’ve said before, she was just as kind to Dylan as she was to the on camera host. A lot of them don’t even acknowledge the camera person in the room. With Dylan, and it may just have been Dylan’s charm, she genuinely made an effort for Dylan to enjoy himself and being around her.

And then there are the shoes. Gaga is my height, about 5’3”. Ben is over 6’1”. So that’s a foot. Of shoe. The outfit reminded me of classic Gianni Versace. She wore the same jacket at the airport today when leaving Toronto but not before hanging out with a kid.

Maybe you’ll say that I’ve just gullibly bought into her shit, maybe you will say that she’s nothing but a copycat to the extreme but how can I discount kindness, professionalism, hard work, ambition and a really funky beat?

Photos from Photos from PUNKD Images and Macca/Todd G/