This must be how some people feel about Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt. It was certainly how I felt about Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow. That I could never see him with anyone else…until Angelina Jolie happened. And now, with Brange, there is no other combination.

Which is kinda how I feel about Lisa Bonet and Lenny Kravitz who stepped out together in Hollywood the other day.

Of course. Jason Momoa is HOT. So we know she’s not JLO. She has standards.

But not even Brange can match the original Lisa and Lenny love on cool, on charisma, on enigma, on pure, straight up, universal SEX…

It’s been almost 30 years and it’s still how it was, then.

And an excuse to post this song. I don’t think I’ve posted it on the site before: