This was the PSA shot at Leonardo DiCaprio’s house very recently when Jennifer Aniston’s bodyguards tried desperately to start a rumour that the two were dating, remember?

Not surprisingly, the PSA was election-related, an over 4 minute piece urging you not to vote because it doesn’t matter.


Leo is … his pants… his passion…his delivery… I want.

Also Jonah Hill is so hilarious it will f&ck up your sh*t.

Oddly enough, Jennifer seems to be a tad underused. Even Courteney Cox had more face time than she did. Wonder why? Was she in a hurry?

No matter. What’s important is that even in an extremely short 5 second soundbite, Jen couldn’t manage to NOT touch her hair. Try watching a re-run of Friends. Can she get through a scene without touching her hair?

It should be a drinking game. Jen touches her hair – do a shot!

But the best part of the PSA? It’s Dustin Hoffman. No explanation required, but if you haven’t already, click here to read about my interview with him. He’s amazing.


Oh Canada.

It’s easy to get swept away by the drama and the smut from the candidates down south but there’s an election coming up in our country too! They say this is news for many…WTF?

Click here to get your voting information and for those of you who’ve been asking:

I’m for gays, girls, minorities, the environment…

Isn’t it obvious what my ballot will say?

The PSA is below.  I'd vote for Leo...