Lin-Manuel Miranda cannot quit Twitter. So that’s where he posted yesterday morning that he would soon have music that “you don’t need tickets to hear”.  Because he’s not busy enough and doesn’t have enough jobs.

Turns out it’s a charity single with JLo, Love Make The World Go Round, a party anthem that will benefit #SomosOrlando, designed to “address the long-term needs for mental health services that are culturally competent and bilingual”, and acknowledges that care will be needed for months and years after the Orlando attack.

The clip of the song we get to hear starts off sounding like a bonus Hamilton track (note the ‘patiently wait’ giveaway as well as ‘malevolence’ a moment later) before sounding like a classic JLo tune on the chorus. I am not as devoted as I should be to Ms. Lopez so maybe I’ve missed a track here or there, but this sounds like a throwback to earlier, simpler times, when JLo ‘summer’ anthems took us all the way through February. 

“They’re not taking our pride away”.  It’s not subtle, which is exactly what makes it great.