Dear Gossips,

Goal for the day: avoid Duana.

Not because I don’t love her, obviously I do. But because the cast of Hamilton went to the White House yesterday, performing at the invitation of the President and the First Lady to an audience that included educators and students, to tell the “story for all of us, and about all of us”.

No doubt, Lin-Manuel Miranda is an artistic genius. He’s only 36 years old!

No doubt, Hamilton is a masterpiece.

But this is what’s going to blow up my phone today, from Duana:


Especially if she sees this, which I am sure she has.

You know what I have that she doesn’t have though? Duana is Hufflepuff. Lin-Manuel Miranda is Slytherin. ME TOO.


My office. My House. Just so you know what you're walking into. #slytherinpride #slytherin

A photo posted by Elaine Lui (@laineygossip) on

Yours in gossip,
