It happened in Santa Monica late Monday night. TMZ reports that she was driving a Denali, chasing some other SUV and when pulled over she failed a field sobriety test and was taken in to custody. In custody, cocaine was found in her pocket. She spent a few hours drying out in the slammer and was released after posting $25K bail. Needless to say – she’s f&cked. Second DUI in the last 3 months… jail time is almost a certainty.

And if that’s what it takes…so be it.

Now the question is: how did she get here? Especially obviously just a couple of weeks after completing rehab at Promises which, given their high profile track record of late with Lindsay and with Britney, isn’t exactly looking like an all star facility.

At Covenant House Vancouver it’s well understood with our staff and our youth workers: relapse is a part of recovery. In Lilo’s case however, I hear there was no chance from the get. It’s long been rumoured that she entered Promises out of professional necessity as opposed to personal commitment – a PR move designed to placate studio executives and insurance agencies.

Upon her release, she was immediately surrounded by the unsavoury sort as that skank ass mother of hers stood by and watched. Helplessly of course. My sources say Dina’s favourite line is “there’s nothing I can do. I love my children” while concentrating much of her attention on developing the career of young Ali Lohan.

Early buzz right now is that Lindsay has been allegedly using at least for a week and those I’ve been speaking to all morning say a sure sign of this has been weight loss. She supposedly stays up all night, ringing anyone who will take her the call and begging them to go out. She was apparently unhappy with recent photos taken of her curves and is rumoured to have wanted to take it off quickly. is now saying that Lilo has been in touch with them repeatedly over the last week offering to exchange photo opportunities for cash suggesting perhaps that someone at least was aware that she was slipping again and had cut her off. No one however seems to be convinced that it was her mother.

stay tuned…