Lindsay Lohan to Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush:
"Yes. I am innocent... did not do drugs they"re not mine. I was almost hit by my assistant Tarin"s mom. I appreciate everyone giving me my privacy."
Right. So… was she drinking and driving? Yes. Did she fail a field sobriety test? Yes. Did she endanger the public by getting behind the wheel of a car and chasing another? Yes.
Does all that constitute innocent? Hell to the f&ck no.
And give me a break on the drugs not being hers. Needless to say, Lindsay is creating case for a conspiracy theory – someone framed me, someone’s out to get me. Poor me. All I want to do is act.
Just as Dina would have wanted. Typical Dina-style Denial.
Meanwhile Roger Friedman is reporting that Dina actually did not fly out immediately upon learning of her daughter’s situation yesterday and may not have actually seen her yet. Lilo instead spent the day with her lawyer. Bet your boob job Dina was working on “Ali’s career” and could not be interrupted. Which is how she ended up here in the first place – a 17 year old girl living at the Chateau Marmont, doing drugs with celebrities 10, 15 years her senior, without the maturity to be able to control her own urges.
And still Dina can’t be bothered to get off her orange ass. Brava.