It was London then Paris then back to London this weekend for Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson as Lilo followed her lover from gig to gig – this is how she makes money these days. How they both make money actually.
Sam is popular because of Lilo. Lilo gets paid to show up with Sam. And thousands upon thousands rush the club scene for the privilege of saying: we were at a party with Lilo and Sam.
So here’s Lindsay in a very cute blue sequined dress with a fur stole that was temporarily doused in flour upon her arrival by an animal rights activist. The club owner apparently had to vacuum the baking off her so that she could honour her contract: no payment until you walk that red carpet. And she did. And she smiled. And Samantha defended her on her blog afterwards – read her retort here if you care although it’s not exactly a very well defended argument. Sam needs to brush up on her blog fighting. Maybe Joe Jonas can help her.
Video of the flouring is below.
Photos from